February Leader Boards Contest registering now!
Now is the time for you to register for our Leader Boards Contest! Besides Bragging Rights you can win your share of the Leader Boards CASH! Visit the Leader Boards page for details on how you can compete for 4 cash prizes! Registration is open until February 10.
Good Fortune on the Felts!
Show how much you support THR and how you feel about terrible poker players with this new magnetic bumper sticker! You can find it and other great products in the THR Nation Store!
Enter the THR Leader Board contest for your chance to win cash! You still have time to enter this months contest. $ prizes are awarded monthy for the highest points total in 4 different games! Visit THR Leader Boards for all the detial and how to enter.
See Ya' on the Felts!
Congratulations to our September Leader Board Contest Winners!
THR PLO8 - Dangerousdug
THR FreeBuy - Dangerousdug
Bounty Bonanza - gpeppin
B-Side/Redux - gpeppin
Sign up NOW for your chance to win the THR Leader Board Contest for October! Visit the THR Leader Boards page for details.